MCMC2006 Institute for Systems and Robotics International Federation of Automatic Control Instituto Superior Tecnico

IST, Lisbon and Portugal | Sightseeing in Portugal


The conference will be held at the Congress Center of Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), the School of Engineering of the Technical University of Lisbon. IST is located in the Alameda Afonso Henriques,  a few kilometers from the Lisbon airport (Aeroporto da Portela), and five minutes walking from the closest subway stations, Alameda (green line) and Saldanha (yellow line).

Local Information for Participants

Please find here maps and other important information for participants.

Lisbon Map IST Campus

Where to eat close to IST

Close to Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) you will find many places where you can eat. Some places are shown here

IST, Lisbon and Portugal

About Instituto Superior Técnico - IST

The Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), created in 1911, is one of the largest and most reputed schools of engineering, science and technology in Portugal.
IST Image IST’s mission is to contribute to the development of society by promoting higher education of outstanding quality in the areas of Engineering, Science and Technology, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and by carrying out research and development activities in accordance with the highest international standards. Its mission reflects the three activities that define the concept of a modern university: Education, Research & Development and Links with Society.
Today IST offers 21 undergraduate programs, attended by more than 8600 students, covering a wide range of areas of knowledge, including not only all the traditional engineering specializations, but also other modern areas such as Biological Engineering, Aerospace and Physics Engineering. Postgraduate training is also important with over 1500 students enrolled in 28 Master programmes, 21 doctoral areas and various specialized courses.

About Lisbon

Lisbon, with a population of about one million inhabitants (two million in the metropolitan area), is the capital, the chief port and the largest city of Portugal. It stands on the westernmost point of land of the European continent, where the Tagus river flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Its climate is probably the mildest of all European capitals. Lisbon is one of the most ancient cities in the western Europe. Probably inhabited since the Neolithic period, it was settled by Phoenicians in 1200 BC, who named it Alis Ubbo (calm port). Oceanario

Belem Tour They prospered for more than 600 years until it was occupied by Greeks and Carthaginians, then by the Romans in 205 BC, by the Barbarians in the 5th century AC, by the Arabs in 715 AC, till it was finally conquered by D. Afonso Henriques during the Crusades in 1147, and declared capital of the Portuguese kingdom in 1252. The city name evolved with each new occupant until its present form Lisboa. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Age of the Discoveries, Lisbon became the center of the world and the entrance of Europe to the Oceans. 
Being already an important city when conquered in 1147, it continued growing its importance. In 1260 the King Afonso III transferred his court there from Coimbra. The University of Lisbon was founded in 1292. It is perhaps this long history of finding new lands and cultures that explains why Lisboans are, by nature and tradition, open to the new and very welcoming to visitors. Find here more information about Lisbon. Oceanari
Very recently Lisbon was on the sport news all over the World. It was the stage for the departure of another edition of the toughest rallye: Lisboa-Dakar. To celebrate this event a fantastic site was created to enable a 3D visit to our town. Worth taking a "flight" here.

About Portugal

Portugal Portuguese mainland is located on the west side of the Iberian Peninsula, facing the Atlantic Ocean. In its entirety, Portugal occupies an area of about 92 000 km2, including the islands of Madeira and Azores, in the Atlantic. Portugal has a population of about 10 million people. The capital is Lisbon with a population of 1.5 million.
Known for its sunny beaches, Porto wine, or typical Fado music, Portugal is a chosen destination for many holidaymakers, an ideal place for practicing water sports and playing golf, offering modern tourism facilities. A member-country of the European Union since 1986, it currently enjoys a steady economic growth. For centuries Portugal has kept this greatest treasure: a renowned reputation of hospitality that makes the country a haven of congeniality and safety.
The history of this geographical area is rather long, spanning from the Palaeolithic period 7000 BC into the dawn of civilization. At the end of the Neolithic period, starting 1200 BC and for almost 2500 years, the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Carthaginians, the Romans, the Visigoths and the Arabs successively invaded and settled in the Iberian Peninsula. The latter remained in control until the 11th century when Ferdinand, ruler of the kingdom of Leon and Castile, conquered much of the territory. Portugal became an independent kingdom in 1143, established its continental frontiers in 1297 and is one of the oldest nations in Europe. Portugal became a major player in the world's history at the age of the discoveries in the 15th century, when it developed and mastered the nautical science and discovered new lands, setting new trade routes to as far as India and Japan.
Portugal became a republic on 5th October 1910 and is an established democracy today. In January of 1986 Portugal joined the European Community. See more information in, Portugal Online.

Portugal has one of the largest Economic Exclusive Zones (EEZ) in Europe - about 1600 0000 Km2

(regions in blue).

Image by R Medeiros ImagDOP

Sightseeing in Lisbon and Portugal

Top Atlântico Operated by TopTours has a few suggested Sightseeing Tours.

Please click the image to see a few Lisbon sites of interest as well as the location of the IST Congress Center identified by Google Earth placemarks.

To see our placemarks in detail, in a higher resolution and interactive display you are invited to launch the application Google Earth just by clicking:


If you don't have Google Earth installed you can get it here.

Lisbon and the surroundings offer a great deal of tourist attractions:
A few higlights  
Costa Lisboa Cascais (20Km West of Lisbon)
Cabo Espichel (40Km South of Lisbon)

Nazaré (100Km North of Lisbon)